NO GOOD VERY BAD ASIAN selected as 1 of 29 books by authors from underrepresented backgrounds available for option #TheIPList #PathosLab

From Hollywood Reporter:

“The current Peak IP era presents a potential pitfall for diversity in media, considering a 2020 New York Times feature that found 95 percent of the books published by the major publishing houses since 1950 were written by white authors.

That’s why nonprofit Pathos Labs, the think tank that looks to use media and entertainment for positive change, has created The IP List, an industry-crowdsourced index of books by authors from underrepresented backgrounds that are available for option. The list defines “underrepresented” as any community that hasn’t been portrayed in the media with authenticity, nuance and their own voices, and can include class, ability, geographic location, religion, ethnicity, race, sex, gender and sexual orientation.”

Read the rest of the article here.